Monday, November 18, 2013

So Many Papers! A Little Free Time.

Well I am swimming in work this month. It is not enjoyable.

I was able to get out a bit on Saturday night as Matt, a coworker of Mike's and his girlfriend Cate were in Daegu for the weekend to hike the local mountains and see the temples. Yen and I went to meet them.

We met Saturday night for BBQ and a couple beers but Cate and Yen were ready to sleep by around 10. We did manage to eat Obama BBQ, which is pork strips in black pepper sauce (black pepper, Obama, get it?). Despite the minor racism it was a great meal. However, travel/hiking or work after four hours sleep will knock you out and it was an early night. It was still a lot of fun though and Matt is a very interesting guy with a lot of great stories. The next day Yen and I went to see Thor 2. I was surprisingly impressed, especially after the moderate disappointment of Iron Man 3. I am by and large sick of these comic book films but I do admit I have a soft spot for the Avengers... or Thor and Iron Man anyway. Especially after Chris Nolan's Godfather 3 finish to his Batman trilogy....

Anyway, that aside it is second paper crunch time and more Moonkkang stories. Should keep me busy this week.

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